Frequently asked questions.

Where do we deliver?

Postcodes we cover are WS13, WS14, WS15, B74, B75, B78, B79, WS7, WS9, DE13.

If the area is not listed then please give me a call or email and I could see if I can fulfil the order, however there may be additional delivery charges, a minimum to the order or certain days the delivery has to be done.

Don’t forget we have the postal flower option where our flowers can be sent anywhere in the UK.

I’m trying to get in touch with the shop but no one is answering ?

Don’t forget Hannah is working on her own, so she may be out on deliveries or for some reason not in the shop. Please either email or head over to our social pages and send a message and Hannah will be able to get in touch.

What courier do we use for the letterbox flowers?

We use Hermes. We place all orders by next day delivery as long as orders are received by 9am. Next day is not available for Sunday’s. Sometimes there maybe a slight delay but that is out of Hannah’s control but she will do her best to keep you informed and try and sort any queries.